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Long term conservation of Pannonian grasslands

and related habitats through the implementation of

Prioritized Action Framework (PAF) strategic measures


Project duration: 01/01/2019 – 31/12/2026

Coordinating Beneficiary: Herman Ottó Institute Nonprofit Ltd.

Associated Beneficiaries: 14 project partners

Balaton-felvidéki National Park Directorate, Budapest Forestry Company,

Bükk National Park Directorate, Duna-Dráva National Park Directorate,

Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate, Fertő-Hanság National Park Directorate,

Hortobágy National Park Directorate, Körös-Maros National Park Directorate,

Kiskunsági National Park Directorate, MME/BirdLife Hungary,

Hungarian Natural History Museum, National Chamber of Agriculture,

Őrség National Park Directorate, Green Action Association

Total budget: 17,258,306.00 €

EU contribution: 10,354,984.00 € (60%) 


GRASSLAND-HU LIFE Integrated Project aims to improve the conservation status of grasslands and related species on long-term with the following actions:

National Grassland Strategy Plan

Similarly to the European trends, grasslands in Hungary have been declining drastically, despite their nature conservation importance. The action aims to compile a National Grassland Strategy Plan that contributes to prepare a national strategy to conserve grasslands on long term.


Preparation or revision of national and international species action plans of grassland flagship species

The action includes the revision of existing species action plans and the preparation of species action plans for species without national species action plans. The project focuses on species that are good indicators of changes in conservation status of habitats.


Fighting invasive alien species (IAS)

A national data base on IAS will be built in the frame of the project that provides conservation authorities with presence and distribution, as well as possible management of IAS species. An experimental early warning system will be tested that could cost efficiently detect IAS species in an early phase to provide possibilities for their management to prevent their spread.


Network of Grassland Conservation Advisors

A national network of grassland conservation advisors starts to work to facilitate conservation and nature-friendly management of grasslands. Grassland Conservation Advisors (GCAs) communicate directly to farmers managing Natura 2000 land about good (nature-friendly) management practices, financial support schemes, relevant legislation, as well as about Natura 2000 management plans of sites in question and related obligations. In addition, GCAs also participate in biotic data collection and raising public conservation awareness.


Forming model farms

Farmers (5 model farms) managing grasslands in nature-friendly way are to be selected to show good examples for other farmers. In order to support selected farmers, the National Chamber of Agriculture provides the equipment and tools for nature-friendly grassland management.


Baseline survey and monitoring

Baseline surveys will be carried out in order to monitor later the changes as a result of conservation interventions and management. Monitoring following the conservation actions makes possible to evaluate and follow up changes in conservation status of target habitats and species on long-term.


Raising public awareness and delivering information

Communication to various stakeholders is essential for the success of the project. Beside the network of grassland conservation advisors, the project uses various communication tools like preparing and disseminating information materials, forums for stakeholders about nature-friendly grassland management. Natura 2000 Information and Training Centre to be created in the frame of the project will host interactive shows, exhibitions and events for various age groups about Natura 2000 network.